February starts out like EVERY February. I say to Mark, "Valentine's Day-no gifts- really no gifts, cards or anything". He says, " O.K. but I kinda already got you something, well... not just for you, it's more for US. I only hope that it's here by then!!"
Dread. Fear. Cautious anticipation.
I am running late for our after work dinner date, racing into the house, when I am stopped dead in my tracks by the lovely? twangy sounds of a banjo coming from the next room.
What do I do next? Do I flee? Obviously some one has broken into the house and is sitting in the living room playing the banjo, because (if you've been keeping up) we all know that it CANNOT be my husband.
But it is.
"I'm serenading you", he says proudly, looking like a kid at Christmas. "Happy Valentine's Day!"
I'm very proud to say that he has purchased himself a very nice banjo and is currently learning (Banjo's for Dummies) how to play. And, although the "song" that he played for me on that very first night wasn't anything I could recognize, I expect big, big things for this handsome musician.
Thank you Sweetheart, Happy Valentine's Day to you to.
I'm seeing a "Schmenke's World Polka Tour" on the horizon....or maybe the opening act for Avril????
Entertainment for the next staff meeting, oh goodie!
Life is never boring in your house, is it?
Perhaps we can hire him for intermission at the next UFC fight.
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