Last night I was invited by a co-worker to a "celebration of friendship". The first thing we were asked to do was stand up and think of someone who you consider to be a close girlfriend. We were asked to stay standing if we had been friends with that person for 1 year, 5 years, 10 years (yes I'm still standing) 15 years (my feet hurt) 20 years-finally I can sit down!! I was encouraged to reflect on what is a good friend and how can be a better one.
There are three girlfriends that I have that I am grateful for.
TINA- 20 years!! Without you there are so many things that I would not have done on my own. Belly dancing, scuba diving, hip-hop lessons... Anything I want to do is always better when you're there.
TERRI- "a girlfriend is a sister that you chose" I thought of you when I read this and am grateful for your unwavering support and honesty- if you ever want to know what that haircut really looks like-this is your girl!!!
JORDIN- how lucky am I to have met you. You are someone who I trust with my whole heart and never question your loyalty to your friends. Thanks for getting me.
There is one other person I would like to thank ...
MOM- thanks for not being my mom and not my friend. Thanks for setting boundaries, guidelines, curfews and limits. I may have been hesitant to show my gratitude when I was 16 but I know that what you and Dad did was called parenting first and friendship second. Thanks.
I hope that you all know that I love and appreciate you for all your very different qualities and gifts, if there's ever anything I can do for you ......
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