I realize as I sign on, that the last post was Oct 14th. So here is a brief description of What's New with the Reinelt's.....

And our next adventure took us to Leavenworth, WA on a bus tour with our very good friends, Conrad and Jo and 20 other passengers whose collective age totalled 1400. We had a great time and Leavenworth is beautiful. It's a small Bavarian (or as Donna called it -Barbarian) town overflowing with Christmas spirit. The Campbell's Resort Lodge in Lake Chelan is where we stayed and it was really nice.

We love our friends Conrad and Jo. Mostly Jo.
We were kindly invited to Cheryl and Jason's Halloween party this year and most of you know we went as Dog the Bounty hunter and Beth (his wife). Shortly there after the real Dog was outed for saying very bad things about his son's girlfriend. A similar incident happened a couple of years ago when Mark dressed up as the Scottish guy from the beer commercials....who was arrested very soon after for having inappropriate pictures on his computer. Hmmm, Mark and I have decided that we are no longer dressing up as famous people for any function of any kind.
We took a trip to Seattle on the 30th of November. We went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. For all of you out there who enjoy Christmas carols and LOVE 80's hair band rock music, this is THE concert for you!! (I loved it). The trip home was in the ridiculous snow storm and there were some white knuckles on the steering wheel that night I can tell you.
WE (I) put the Christmas decorations up.....

The trip started with a stop at the duty free and then some shopping where the girls picked up sippy cups to hold the contents of what was bought at the duty free, and the boys picked up paper and pens for a new game we like to call "motion sickness pictionary" and recorders. Yes. Recorders. The recorder-off at the end of the night was somethin' else!!
My sides hurt from laughing, the conversations went from deep and thoughtful to stupid and ridiculous and everyone had a great time.

We love our friends Conrad and Jo. Mostly Jo.
And finally- I quit my job!! Too many reasons to list here as this is already too long, but I've started at a new place call Summit Chiropractic and after one part-time week, LOVE it. A very positive change for me and definitely in the direction I want to go. Focusing on proactive rather than reactive health care. Come on in anytime!!
So, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll be back before another 2 months go by.