Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Call

I got the call today.
At Work.
For the parents out there, it's the call that you get from the principal.
For me, it's from my husbands' boss.....

"Hi Cara, It's Camille."

"Hi Camille."

"Mark's misbehaving and he won't listen to me, so I told him I was calling you."

"Frankly, Camille, I've been expecting this call for the last 10 years. Please tell him to settle down and get back work. I don't want to have to haul my butt down there. And can you please tell him that his privileges have now been taken away. No T.V., No PlayStation, and no bike."

"No, bike?", says Mark in the background, "I don't have a bike."

"I know, and now you can't have one".

"Thanks, Cara"
"No problem Camille. have a good day."

Apparently he was at work and was making faces at his superiors when they asked him to complete his tasks.

Mark and I had a little chat about responsibility after work today, so there will no more calls.
Although, I couldn't see what he was doing behind my back as I walked away.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

My new scrapblog

My Turn

I've been tagged by Dawn to answer the following.

One word answers only... no explanations.

Okay, here goes

Yourself: happy

Your Partner: unconditional

Your Hair: maddening

Mother: giving

Your Father: inspiring

Your Favorite Item: camera

Your Dream Last Night: strange

Your Favorite Drink: frappacino

Your Dream Car: mini

Dream Home: modern

The Room You Are In: computer

Your Fear: spiders

Where You Want to be in Ten Years: comfortable

Who You Hung Out With Last Night: friends

You're Not: political

One of Your Wish List Items: dog

The Last Thing You Did: nap

You Are Wearing: pyjamas

Your Favorite Weather: sunny

Your Favorite Book: emotional

Last Thing You Ate: dinner

Your Life: peaceful

Your Mood: sleepy

Your Best Friend: husband

What Are You Thinking About Right Now: dessert

Your Car: tercel

What Are You Doing At The Moment: relaxing

Relationship Status: married

What Is On Your TV: games

What Is The Weather Like: cloudy

When Is The Last Time You Laughed: today

There you go. I don't don't know anyone else taggable. However if I were to go off Dawn's list of "bloggin' babes", (which I'm honored to be a member of), I tag Cheryl and Fern if they haven't been already.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I sat and watched the last 1/2hr. of my soap opera today and I got to thinkin'....

When are my half-twin sister, (who I thought was dead in a fiery car crash, but has had plastic surgery so she no longer looks like me but strongly resembles our mother, who is secretly our aunt) and her husband (my ex-husband, who we once thought was our brother) going "pop-in" for a visit?

My life is so boring.

P.S. Mark wanted me to let you all know that he is STILL pushing for me for the name change of the blog to "Kenny Bloggins Blog Cabin".
(sorry honey, not gonna happen!)

Monday, May 21, 2007

The List

Mark and I had an adventure in not-so-fine-dining yesterday after a spontaneous decision to go for a late lunch.

2:38 arrived at restaurant
2:44 seated
2:52 drink order taken
2:57 wrong drinks arrive
3:05 order placed-we both ordered the personal pizza package (salad, small pizza, chocolate
informed menu is actually wrong.
placed appetizer order
3:22 salads show up - no forks
3:30 no appetizer or lunch yet
3:35 after asking if we could have more salad, we received the family size salad bowl
with a pair of tongs no plates.
3:45 " it'll just be few more minutes guys, your first pizzas were burnt"
3:50 food shows up. (my pizza was really, very good)
3:52 two new plates of salad that we didn't order are placed at the table along with the following
comment, " I guess they really want to fill you two up!!" (At this point we asked to cancel
our non-existent appetizer.)
4:00 to maintain consistency, our server asked if we would like to order dessert or "sumpin".
(refer back to 3:05 when dessert was actually ordered)
4:20 when asked if we could use the 5$ coupons we received for the experience so far, it was
unclear - "I don't think we can because the coupons take 24hrs to go into the system."

Thus, Mark and I have started a list. We went to Wal-Mart and bought a whiteboard for the fridge and started the "Things That Are Dead To Us" list.

Sorry East Side Mario's. You are right at the top.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

a history


Nope, not watching Saturday Night Live.....

No late night pillow talk with my husband...


When I saw mysisterDawn's blog, I thought what a good idea for Mark and I when we go away. Everyone can check in with us when were in Germany and Italy. We can post pictures, explain where we are and what we saw. I didn't tell anyone at first because I know me and computers and I wanted to see if was something I would keep up with. I do enjoy it.

Thank you Dawn.

I have some friends who then joined facebook. I went, I saw, I never fully understood.

Mark and I went to the Kerns last night for games and after being told never, under no circumstances should I ever go to facebook due to it's addictive nature, mysisterDawn helps sign me up and show me all the features there are to this phenomenon.


Thank you mysisterdealerDawn.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What if?

So I think that Mark and I have a plan, but I need to ask a question. Would anyone be terribly upset if we didn't come back from Italy? I see these pictures, hear the language, and read about the food and I wonder, what if we just stayed there? Our first Italian lesson went well, we know how to count to 20 and inform anyone we talk to that we are pleased to have met them. It is very similar to Spanish and I easily get confused between the two.
We got our new camera on Tuesday and I love it!! Our old one was good but, come on, this is Italy. I don't want to return with "just alright" pictures of the tower of Pisa.
As you can see the terrain is somewhat vertical so I going to go now and see if I can improve my cardiovascular fitness just a bit before we go so I don't have to use the following phrase, "per favore, chiami un dottore".
(please call a doctor)
Have a great day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Buon giorno!

So, Italian lessons start tonight!!! I really feel that I am ahead of the curve thanks to the Italian phrase book and CD that I have in the car. I know all the key phrases such as "where is the bus stop?", "where is the bank machine?" and "I would like a room with a bathroom". These are all very important to a fun and hygienic vacation. I have to go now and meet my husband with his snack so we can walk to school.

Talk soon.